The average cost of a Coolsculpting treatment is approximately $1600. If you are not excessively overweight, and just want to get rid of some problem areas, Coolsculpting may be the better solution for you. This usually requires two treatment sessions on the problem area. However, different areas require moderately different procedures and sessions. Let’s take a deeper look at some typical Coolsculpting treatments and what they might cost.
Tummy Area
This is a common problem for many people, having excess fat in the belly area. Rather than having invasive liposuction, many people these days are turning to Coolsculpting. The Coolsculpting procedure usually takes 2 separate 60 minutes procedures and will run you anywhere from $1200-$1600.
Getting rid of cellulite and fat on your thighs can be near impossible. Typically, Coolsculpting is only needed for one session per thigh, costing around $1200-$1600.
Butt Area
Want to get that Brazilian butt look back again? Nice perky buns instead of droopy and fat? Awesome, one quick procedure and you’re on your way. This procedure typically costs approximately $700-$800.
Love Handles
Stubborn love handles can be a nuisance. However, this is one of the best areas to use Coolsculpting. Some doctors will treat both sides as one session, others treat as two. Your usual cost for this procedure will be around $700-1400.
Coolsculpting cost depends on your doctor, as they set the price they charge. It will also be determined by the number of sessions needed to achieve the results you’re looking for. Rarely do people need more than 3 sessions per body part, so keep that in mind!