There are a few places on the body that show age; the hands, around the eyes and mouth and the neck area. Surgery has been the most popular option to correct the areas on the face and neck in the past. Surgery is expensive, painful and usually requires time away from work and family. We now have another non-surgical option available for you – Kybella!
Kybella is an FDA approved injectable that melts the fat in the chin area. It is reported to “improve the appearance of moderate to severe convexity or fullness associated with submental fat in adults”, also known as the double chin. The active ingredient in Kybella is a deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring molecule in the body that helps in the breakdown of dietary fat. This is injected into the double chin area and helps to contour the area.
Kybella is unique in that once the patient has had the recommended amount of treatments, retreatment is not necessary. This is because once the fat cell is destroyed, it can no longer accumulate fat in that area. Most patients see noticeable results within 2-3 treatments. There may be slight bruising in the area after the injection. Treatments only take fifteen minutes and are done in the comfort of our office.
Are you ready to start the new year with a contoured chin? Call us today to schedule your complimentary consultation.