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Introducing Restylane

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Who does not wish to maintain the lovely, fresh and glowing skin and face first seen in the mirror as youngsters? Of course, all of us want it so badly! Collagen injections are the best ways to rejuvenate tanned or aging skin. Our skin consists of numerous layers. Below the outer layer (epidermis) is the second layer known as the dermis. This layer contains nerves, blood vessels, and hair follicles. However, it is mostly made up of collagen (Protein). Collagen is a major support structure in our skin along with its fibers that supply a basic system for the growth of blood vessels and cells. Collagen can be also found in teeth and bones. In addition, Collagen fillers can be found from animal or human skin, including cows or pigs.

With the progress of medical science, fortunately, people have been able to point out the benefits of this natural protein and doctors now make use of a variety of collagen fillers to reduce the signs of aging skin, fill up scars and in putting volume to improve the appearance of the face. Collagen fillers have been the first type of dermal fillers to be used in aesthetic procedures.

Restylane for Lip Augmentation?

Following animal and human cadaver collagens, now introducing Restylane for lip augmentation! Seems interesting, right!  Restylane has been used for several years in many countries. However, it has recently become a big craze across the United States. Restylane has been approved by The Food and Drug Administration for lip augmentation on October 11, 2011. So today, what do the reports suggest about Restylane? Is it safe to use? What kinds of results have been achieved after spending so much money for the treatments?

What Is Exactly Restylane?


1015685 - bright colorful picture of lips enlargement procedureRestylane is an injectable gel which constitutes of hyaluronic acid. It is natural glycosaminoglycan-polysaccharides which are considered to be essential components of connective tissue and come from several resources, supplements, foods and HA powders. It is one of the key ingredients of the extra-cellular matrix -the tissue that gives structural support to the blood cells.


Very interestingly, the human body is composed of approximately 15 grams of hyaluronic acid .Ultimately one-third of which is usually “turned over” with every passing day.


Hyaluronic acid is beneficial for the proper functioning of soft tissues. HA is responsible, in part, for the flexibility of cartilage and its capacity to resist compression.


As people grow old, skin moisture can drop to a great extent which makes the skin lose its elasticity and the signs of aging on the skin are exposed. Hyaluronic acid is of utmost importance in skin health with its unique capability to retain moisture.

People love the fact that this substance is present naturally in the body but often question the safety and effectiveness when it is being injected in the face or in the lips? Hyaluronic acid is after all, a sugar molecule that can ease the joints a, provide flexibility and protection as well as hydration to the lips and skin. Since HA is inert, Restylane injections are considered to be safe. However, some experts noted that complications may occur.

10 Facts You Must Know About Restylane Injections

  1. The side effects include swelling, bruising, redness, mild pain, itchy, and skin exfoliation for up to one whole week. About 15% of Restylane patients experienced side effects like bad bruising, swelling, bluish discoloration, and pain that lasted more than two weeks.
  2. In certain cases, Restylane injections can cause flu-like symptoms like cold chills, headaches and muscle fatigue or muscle weakness.
  3. Avoid taking aspirin and Vitamin E for about seven days before your treatment so that you can reduce the bruising.
  4. People have reported that this procedure is very painful because Restylane doesn’t have the anesthetic in it. Be prepared! Some people questioned themselves if they are going through this again.”
  5. Restylane injections are not for people who had previous allergies to Streptococcus bacteria in the past.
  6. There are 4% of patients who had Restylane for lip augmentation experienced the outbreaks of Herpes simplex virus.
  7. 40% of people who had Restylane injections went through adverse outcomes that affected their daily routine activity.
  8. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or under 18 years, you are not eligible for Restylane.
  9. Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation is very common in dark skinned individuals. Many practitioners have advised darker skinned individuals not to make use of Restylane injections.
  10. Restylane is one of the most commonly used dermal fillers and also it has a low rate of adverse reactions. However, if you think of giving Restylane a try, you should know almost everything about it.

To summarize, Restylane is safe even if you have the money to splurge because it is quite costly. But rest assured that the money you spend is worth it!