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Have You Heard of the Nefertiti Neck Lift?

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Do you remember Queen Nefertiti from ancient Egyptian history? If you don’t it’s OK, we will fill you in on her beauty and strengths. The feature she is most remembered for is her very defined jaw line. Hollywood celebrities have been trying to mimic her strong jaw line and now they are with Botox! Introducing – the nefertiti neck lift.

The Nefertiti neck lift is the latest celebrity cosmetic procedure. The average person can also achieve this look with a few injections of Botox.  The shape of the face changes over time, from high cheekbones and a triangle shape to a more saggy, squared shape. Injecting botox into the jaw line tightens the jaw line and helps to reshape the face back into a triangle.

Lower face rejuvenation surgery has been the option to tighten the jaw line in the past. We are happy to offer botox now as an alternative to going under the knife. Treatments can be done in our comfortable office setting and over a lunch break. There is no downtime and patients start seeing results after one treatment. Dermal fillers can be used with the botox treatment if the patient also has loss of volume in the area. It is safe to use in the neck area and can correct “turkey neck”, wrinkles in the  “necklace” area and double chin area.

Give us a call today to find out if this is the right treatment for you. Schedule your complimentary consultation today.