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Effective and Painless Laser Hair Removal: Are There Any Disadvantages to a Brazilian Laser Hair Removal?

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Unwanted body hair isn’t just unattractive but also unhygienic sometimes. Fortunately, there are many options for hair removal procedures within your reach. If you’re looking for a hair removal method that removes hair from the roots and doesn’t damage sensitive skin, then Brazilian laser hair removal might be best for you.

But are there any disadvantages to a Brazilian laser hair removal procedure? Compared to other hair removal methods, the disadvantages of this procedure are very minimal while the advantages are significantly better than the others. Brazilian laser hair removal offers a non-invasive, painless, and effective way to get rid of unwanted body hair.

Are there Any Disadvantages to a Brazilian Laser Hair Removal?

Aesthetic treatments and procedures are available to help you maintain your hygiene and overall appearance. But like any other procedures, this method still has its own disadvantages such as the following:

  • Multiple sessions. The treatment requires a patient to complete multiple sessions to achieve the best results, similar to other alternatives. Depending on how much pubic hair you have, your sessions may be less frequent with Brazilian laser hair removal than Brazilian wax.
  • Permanent hair removal results aren’t guaranteed. The possibility of your pubic hair growing back depends on how your hair follicle responds to the lasers, so it may not result in permanent hair reduction. In most cases, this treatment doesn’t result in permanent hair removal but they last longer than other alternatives.
  • Expensive treatment sessions. Each session of Brazilian laser hair removal is expensive compared to other alternative Brazilian hair removals. However, the alternatives require more frequent sessions to maintain your hairless intimate area so those methods are actually more expensive in the long run.
  • Risky for patients with a darker skin tone. The heat from lasers targets pigments to remove hair effectively. Since patients with darker skin tones have dark pigments, their skin may also absorb more laser heat compared to lighter-skinned patients, which can result in discoloration. However, the risk of this incident is low if high-quality equipment is used for your Brazilian laser hair removal treatment.
  • Patients with light-colored hair may experience different results. Because laser hair removal works by targeting pigment, laser hair removal may be less effective on a patient with light-colored hair. Fortunately, using advanced and powerful laser machines may contribute to enhancing the treatment’s effectiveness on light-colored hair.
  • Risk of skin damage. Like Brazilian hair removal alternatives, laser hair removal may cause skin damage. Because it heats hair to remove each hair follicle, the risk of skin damage is included in this treatment. The risk of skin drying out is also possible with laser hair removal. However, skin damage caused by this method isn’t permanent and proper aftercare remedies may quickly resolve these temporary damages.

In the long run, Brazilian laser hair removal is still more effective and less invasive compared to other treatments. Summarized in the table below are the disadvantages of Brazilian laser hair removal and how these compare with the alternative Brazilian hair removal treatments.

Brazilian Laser Hair RemovalAlternative Methods
Requires multiple sessionsRequires more frequent sessions to remove unwanted hair
Permanent hair removal results aren’t guaranteed but this laser treatment requires less maintenance sessionsPermanent results aren’t guaranteed and these treatments require monthly or twice a month sessions, which are more frequent than laser hair removal
Expensive treatment sessionsAffordable treatment sessions, but expensive in the long run due to the frequency of maintenance sessions
Risky for patients with a dark skin-tone, and may be less effective for patients with light-colored hair. But using the right equipment, the safety and effectiveness of the laser treatment may be securedSkin tone and hair color is irrelevant when it comes to the effectiveness of alternative methods
Risk of temporary, minimal skin damage which may be remediated by proper aftercare habitsRisk of greater skin damage and discoloration that may last longer than laser hair removal. These treatments may also result in some residue of unwanted hair that may cause ingrown hair growth

Why You Should Get Brazilian Laser Hair Removal

Brazilian laser treatments offer an effective way to remove unwanted hair without the pain, discomfort, and side effects inflicted on your skin. This laser treatment will leave your hairless skin feeling silky-smooth and healthy.

1) Fast and Painless Way to Flawless Intimate Area

Laser technology removes more hair faster than alternatives with ultimate precision in a relatively painless way. You may feel minor discomfort during the procedure, which is similar to having a rubber band hitting your skin. A cooling gel and topical anesthetic will be applied to your skin by a laser technician to help ease any mild pain and discomfort felt during the procedure.

2) Minimally Invasive and Hypoallergenic Enhancement

Laser hair removal works by targeting the hairs attached to the follicles, heating them up, and eliminating them from the hair follicle. There may be some temporary side effects after the procedure, but laser light only causes minimal damage to your skin.

Brazilian laser hair removal is also the most recommended hair removal treatment for sensitive skin. So using this method on your intimate area will help you avoid ingrown hairs, razor burns, and rashes.

There is also essentially no risk of allergic reactions with Brazilian laser hair removal, as compared with traditional hair removal methods. The concentrated light beams used in Brazilian laser hair removal procedures don’t contain any irritants.

3) Save More in the Long-Term

Each treatment session for laser hair removal is expensive, but it actually allows you to save more compared with other treatments. This is a more cost-effective option in the long run as the intervals between maintenance treatments are longer. 

You may notice some pubic hair that may sprout after your laser treatment but it’s usually much thinner and less dense than the previous ones that were removed. If you choose not to have maintenance sessions, the hair that eventually grows back will be different from the ones you had before.

Laser hair removal is a practical solution to eliminating hair in your pubic region. For long-term hair reduction, it may take approximately 5 to 12 treatments that have at least 4 to 6 weeks intervals to achieve your desired results. Depending on your hair regrowth, it usually takes a single session every 2 years to maintain your hairless intimate area.

Important Aftercare Tips for Brazilian Laser Hair Removal

Brazilian laser hair removal does come with a few disadvantages. Fortunately, the following aftercare tips may help further minimize the impact of these disadvantages:

  • Gently treat side effects. Treatment creams may be applied for the temporary skin damage that you may notice on your sensitive area. You may also apply cold compress on the treated area for any pain or irritation caused by the procedure. Applying these treatments on a regular basis will help speed up your skin’s recovery from the side effects of the procedure.
  • Gently cleanse the treated area. Use a mild soap to gently cleanse or wash the treatment area.
  • Gently exfoliate the treated area. Hair shedding is a normal experience after your treatment. You may speed up hair shedding and get rid of dead skin cells faster through exfoliation. However, exfoliation should be done gently to avoid skin irritation.

For the visible side effects, it’s best to expect it to recover for at least 2 weeks after your session. Aside from the thinner appearance of your body hair, you may also expect your hair regrowth to be noticeably slower.

Aside from the aftercare tips, it’s also best to take note of the things that need to be avoided to allow your skin to fully recover from the Brazilian laser hair removal treatment. Some of which are the following:

  • Avoid waxing, shaving, or plucking on your treated area
  • Avoid scrubbing harshly or applying pressure to the treated area for at least 4 to 5 days
  • Avoid excessive heat exposure such as saunas, hot showers, and hot baths
  • Avoid exercise for at least 3 days after your treatment
  • Avoid wearing tight clothing for at least 48 hours to avoid friction on the treatment area
  • Avoid swimming
  • Don’t scratch your treatment area

Maintain your hairless intimate area with Brazilian laser hair removal treatment maintenance sessions that fit your hair growth cycle “down there”. For the best results, consult your doctor and only seek the services of an expert team that only uses advanced laser technology.

Achieve Flawless Beauty All Over with Laser Services from Ethos Spa

Bikini laser hair removal treatment is a more effective solution to unwanted hair growth. Laser removal may not be a permanent hair removal solution, but it’s more practical than waxing or shaving. For more effective results, consult a plastic surgeon to determine if this procedure is fit for your skin type and skin color.

Let your beauty shine with Ethos Aesthetics + Wellness. We offer state of the art aesthetic treatments using our advanced med spa technologies and non-invasive treatments to enhance the look of your skin. Our Brazilian laser hair removal treatment is the best you can find in the area. Book a laser hair removal appointment with us to look and feel your best today.